Vegetable Shares:
Receive a bag of five to eight different vegetables every week from mid May through November.
- Choose one of three share sizes, Small (half shopping bag per week), Medium (full bag), and Large (two bags).
- Choose your season length:
- Full 29 weeks – you can cancel up to three weeks and receive up to three shares of storage vegetables on the 30th week
- 20-week season – You choose which 20 weeks for delivery
10-week season – You choose which 10 weeks for delivery
Weekly deliveries are made to Roanoke, Salem, and Floyd.
Click on the link below to view a list of the vegetables we grow and when they are in season.
Vegetable Chart
Herb Share:
You may purchase an herb share in conjunction with your vegetable share and receive two bunches of herbs each week for 20 weeks. We grow dill, cilantro, thyme, sage, mint, oregano, marjoram, rosemary, and others. (Parsley and basil are distributed to everyone as part of the vegetable share.)
Egg Share:
You may purchase an egg share, starting at ½ dozen per week, and receive eggs with your vegetable share. Our neighbors at Weathertop Farm raise their chickens on lush pasture, giving them the chance to feed on bugs from the soil, as is their nature. Their diet is supplemented with locally grown, non GMO grains.
Working Shares are available. Come and help on ‘your‘ farm. Click here for more info