Sliding Scale Pricing for Vegetable Shares

Why Sliding Scale? 

Our share pricing strategy is based on an ideal that we hope promotes CSA participation by people of various income levels, while at the same time paying our farmers a living wage. Vegetable farming is very low paying work because most vegetables are priced at or below the cost of production. We do not want to price our shares so that only the wealthy can afford them, and we want to make enough money to support ourselves. That is why we created the sliding scale.

Our sliding scale payment method was first introduced at Seven Springs in 2008. Since then, members have joined the CSA paying at a level they could afford. We believe this offers a degree of fairness, balance, and opportunity so that a wide variety of individuals can join.

How Our Sliding Scale Pricing Works.

We price our shares using a range of prices for each type of share.

The lowest price for each share is designed to cover the farm’s bare bones budget for the year. You choose the price you pay for your share within that range. All payments above the minimum provide additional money to increase farmer wages and to support our Neighbors Help Neighbors Fund.

Neighbors Help Neighbors Fund

Are you unable to afford the minimum price for the share you want? Our sliding scale pricing brings out the generosity of our members, allowing us to establish a fund that gives discounts to families who want to participate, but cannot pay the full price. If you would like to receive a discount on your share, please check the Neighbors Help Neighbors box when you sign up. We will get in touch with you.